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Early Dismissal Procedure

Student Late Arrival: Students are to sign in via the schools’ Main Office (Rm. 2313).

Early Dismissal: Students are to submit Early Dismissal notes to the Main Office (Rm. 2313) by 9:00 am. Ms. Henry will notify parents to verify notes. Early dismissal notes are to include:

  •      dismissal time and reason
  •      signature of parent/legal guardian
  •      contact information must match parent contact information in PowerSchool

Parents are required to sign students out via the Main Office if verification of Early Dismissal note is not made prior to desired leave time.

Student Eligibility of Daily Early Release

Junior’s, Senior’s, and Super Seniors in good standing with an overall-weighted- Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher are eligible to receive the privilege to leave campus once all classes are completed for the day. Parents are to complete an Early College Off-Campus Permission Form in order for their son or daughter to receive the privilege. Parent contact information will be verified via PowerSchool (Forms may also be obtained from outside of the School Counseling office.)

Second semester GPA’s will be updated by mid-January, to identify eligible students.